Take Care. Of Self!
I received a phone call from two friends today. Two people so close to my heart J Izo and Zee. I have been having such a crappy, stressful week, and this phone call just made me feel so much better. They made me forget about everything I am facing and brought me back to what is important. They brought me back to “Self”. Last year, Izo, Zee and I would sit on their balcony, and we would tell each other stories. Stories of love and broken trust, stories of pain and fighting through the tears. Stories of falling and getting back up again. Stories of losing ourselves… Throughout the year, each one of us with our different stories, had one common theme. That of loss. We had each lost a piece of ourselves, in one way or another. Whether it be to someone else or a personal loss, we had lost a piece and were desperately seeking for it to return, even if only partially. And so our journeys began, both individually and together. Day after day, week after week, month after m...