
Showing posts from February, 2014

I cry sometimes...

I cry sometimes. I just let it all out. That is not a sign of weakness. I just need to give my fragile heart some relief. So, I cry sometimes... I laugh sometimes. Well, a lot actually. Because laughter heals. It makes you feel like everything is okay with the world, even if only for that moment in time. But that is what makes it so amazing, that for a moment in time, everything is okay in the world. So, I laugh sometimes... I shy away from the world sometimes. I do not always want to be surrounded by people or have stimulating conversations with others. I do not always feel like smiling with others, or even just seeing people. Being alone with my thoughts, comfortable with my own company, helps me become centred again. It helps me remember what is important, away from the hustle and bustle of the world. So, I shy away from the world sometimes... I allow myself to feel. To experience. To learn. To fail. To stumble. To get back up. To achieve. To win! I allow myself to smile...