Gaps and all.
When I was younger and people saw my freckles, flat nose and diastema first, commenting on that, I felt a bit insecure. Not because of the things they said, because it really wasn't bad, but because I thought to myself, 'Is this truly all they see? Can they not see that inside, I am amazing too, despite the gaps I may have?' As I left adolescence behind me and became a woman, and my breasts bloomed and thighs became fatter, men commented too. They would speak of this thickness and all its glory. They would talk of the arch of my back and my plum shaped derrière. And even then I would think 'Can they not see the richness of this heart? The fullness of love it carries? The thickness of my care? Are they so blind that they cannot see my Soul and all it has to offer?' And then the Clinical Psychologist title became synonymous with my name, as I entered the professional world, and people would talk about my tattoos and how my body looked like a canvas. They wou...