
Showing posts from 2019


It is tough being a woman. The world tells us we should be gentle and kind and humble and raise children and care for our families. And these are all things we seem to do with ease. Love and nurturance comes naturally to us. This is what society expects of us; what society has expected of us for centuries.  But what happens when a woman wants to be more than this? When we want to be loving and kind and humble but also go fiercely and fearlessly after our dreams that do not include children or running households? What happens when a woman slays dragons and builds empires and that is part of who she wants to be too? Well then we are told we are too controlling, that we are not humble and that we think we have it all. We are criticized for being too much or thinking we are too much.  I've been struggling with this. I've been in situations where people have not explicitly stated it, but insinuated that I should feel bad for everything I have.  I've been told I t...