Tomorrow is not promised.
I have been thinking about all these deaths lately. The deaths of young people, my age, even younger. This has all made me realize things we already know, but tend to forget. Tomorrow really is not promised. We live our lives but we do not realize, until someone dies, that it could happen to anyone. Our age does not guarantee anything. Because when death comes, it does not discriminate based on race, creed, sex and definitely not age. When death comes, it takes, and then it leaves, not caring about the damage it has left behind. When death comes, it takes, and it leaves, not worrying about the broken hearts that are dealing with the aftermath of its destruction. In the event of someone’s demise, we tend to see things from a different perspective. We look at the world differently. Today, remember to say what you need to say to the people you need to say it to. Today, do what you need to do, that which makes you happy. Today, live like it is your last, because you really...