
Showing posts from May, 2013

Tomorrow is not promised.

I have been thinking about all these deaths lately. The deaths of young people, my age, even younger. This has all made me realize things we already know, but tend to forget. Tomorrow really is not promised. We live our lives but we do not realize, until someone dies, that it could happen to anyone. Our age does not guarantee anything. Because when death comes, it does not discriminate based on race, creed, sex and definitely not age. When death comes, it takes, and then it leaves, not caring about the damage it has left behind. When death comes, it takes, and it leaves, not worrying about the broken hearts that are dealing with the aftermath of its destruction. In the event of someone’s demise, we tend to see things from a different perspective. We look at the world differently. Today, remember to say what you need to say to the people you need to say it to. Today, do what you need to do, that which makes you happy. Today, live like it is your last, because you really...

How high can you jump?

I wanted to write something today that would inspire others. It has been a week since I last wrote so I wanted today’s post to be special. I wanted it to inspire and uplift. But today, in every free moment I had, I looked around for my inspiration as I usually do. I thought about things that had happened this weekend and what I gained out of it. I thought about each event that could be put into words and that may possibly have the desired outcome. I managed to come up with a few ideas, but as I typed, I kept deleting the paragraphs I wrote. I kept going back, reading each sentence, and finding mistakes. I was not writing the story like I knew I could. And then, after thinking about this for a while, I knew why I was not happy with those stories. I wanted so badly to paint a pretty picture every day. Thinking pretty, happy pictures are that which inspire. But sometimes, the sad pictures inspire more. I am having an off day today. It happens to all of us from time to time. It is nor...

What Susie says about Sally...

‘What Susie says about Sally, says a lot more about Susie than it says about Sally.’ I came across this and thought it would be a sin not to post this. I know I have written about this before but I thought I should say something about it again. How quick are we to judge others? It really takes nothing nowadays for someone to say something bad about someone else. It has become almost second nature to open our mouths and to spread a story about someone else. In most cases, it does not even concern us at all. We spend way too much time concerned with the lives of others when we should be focused on making our own lives better. And it is true, what you say about someone else really does say more about you than it does about them. If you make it a habit of spreading stories, lies, rumours, whatever it may be, soon, you will have a reputation. And no one will believe you when you bad mouth others, because they already know that you have a reputation of doing so. The bottom line is t...

Flaws and all.

In life, people will try to break you. They will insult you with their words. However, as hard as they try, they will not succeed if you do not allow them too. I learned something about self-worth a very long time ago. You do not have to be the most beautiful girl in the world, beauty is relative anyway. You do not have to have a sizzling body. You do not even have to be the most liked person around. You just need to be happy with yourself. You need to love who you are. You need to be okay with you, as a person. You need to be so confidant (not conceited), that when someone tries to dent your self-image, they’ll fail, miserably! Today, I just want to tell you to embrace yourself, flaws and all. Once you have accepted yourself, insecurities included, no one can make you feel worthless. No one can use something against you that you have already made peace with. You are the only You there is! Love yourself. Be kind to yourself. Do not allow anyone to dent you. Embrace who you...

Inspired by You!!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I have quite a few fixations. One of them happens to be tattoos. Ever since I got my first one at the age of 15, with each new tattoo, there was more meaning attached to it. All my tattoos have meaning, from the very first one, to the last one. When I started my blog, I had no idea that people would love it so much. I had no idea how it would affect the lives of others. Every day, someone thanks me for something I wrote. I receive messages from friends and acquaintances, sometimes even strangers, telling me how much they appreciate my stories. They tell me how much my stories have helped them. And the truth is, I cannot take the credit. I merely relay messages; I merely put into words the things I see around me. I am merely a messenger. So today, I would like to thank everyone for the role they play in my life. I would like to thank those who I have drawn inspiration from. I would like to thank those who have helped me make a success of this blog. I...

Do not look back!

Past. That which is gone by. Elapsed in time. Having existed in, or having occurred during a time previous to the present; bygone. If you look at the word 'Past', that is some of the things that come up. Sometimes the things in our past come back to haunt us. At times, we are unable to rid ourselves of things done or said in the past. We hold onto it and carry it around with us. We drag this baggage with us everywhere we go. We take it into the present moment. We take it with us into the future. Bag upon bag, it gets heavier and heavier, slowing us down, preventing us from moving at the pace we are capable of. And as we slow down, we deprive ourselves from moving ahead. Other times, we blame people for things they have done in the past. Things they may no longer do. Things they may want to forget because they have already learned from it. And instead of supporting them, we choose to throw their past in their faces. This is so unfair of us, because who can honestly say tha...

When love is returned...

Yesterday I was inspired by love. Good old fashioned love. That kind of love that you would die for, risk your life for, give your life to... I was inspired by love. My friend, Corne, sent me a picture on BBM. It was a picture of her left hand with a beautiful ring on her ring finger. When I saw this picture, I was overwhelmed with joy. I did not know whether I should laugh or scream, I wanted to do a million different things at the same time. I was so happy for her. I still am. And so she and I starting chatting and she told me that this came as such a surprise to her and that she was in tears. It was obviously tears of joy. Now Cora is not usually one who has nothing to say, but yesterday, she was caught off guard. And as our conversation went on, I found myself crying tears of joy too. She is so deserving of happiness. And so is her fiance. I have known him for as long as I can remember, and I can truly say I have never seen him this happy. He lights up when she is around. He...

Through the eyes of a child...

Today I learned something. As adults, we take a lot for granted. And as adults, we are also so stupid at times. We think we know better. We think we have all the answers. The truth is, we do not always know what is best. And we don't always have all the answers. We don't listen enough because we think we have heard all we need to hear. We don't pay enough attention because we think we know all that needs to be known. We see only that which we want to see. We limit ourselves. We deprive ourselves. We do an injustice to ourselves. All because we think we know better. We should try to see things through the eyes of a child. They see colors that we do not know exist. They hear melodies we do not hear. But children also feel on another level. Sometimes I wish I were like a child. Yes we age. And yes, they say with age comes wisdom. But this is not always the case. Because even with this new found wisdom, we should still try to see things through the eyes of a child. S...