Flaws and all.

In life, people will try to break you. They will insult you with their words. However, as hard as they try, they will not succeed if you do not allow them too.
I learned something about self-worth a very long time ago. You do not have to be the most beautiful girl in the world, beauty is relative anyway. You do not have to have a sizzling body. You do not even have to be the most liked person around. You just need to be happy with yourself. You need to love who you are. You need to be okay with you, as a person. You need to be so confidant (not conceited), that when someone tries to dent your self-image, they’ll fail, miserably!
Today, I just want to tell you to embrace yourself, flaws and all. Once you have accepted yourself, insecurities included, no one can make you feel worthless. No one can use something against you that you have already made peace with.
You are the only You there is! Love yourself. Be kind to yourself.
Do not allow anyone to dent you.

Embrace who you are. Flaws and all.

Take Care

Miss Stone


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