What Susie says about Sally...

‘What Susie says about Sally, says a lot more about Susie than it says about Sally.’
I came across this and thought it would be a sin not to post this. I know I have written about this before but I thought I should say something about it again.
How quick are we to judge others? It really takes nothing nowadays for someone to say something bad about someone else. It has become almost second nature to open our mouths and to spread a story about someone else. In most cases, it does not even concern us at all. We spend way too much time concerned with the lives of others when we should be focused on making our own lives better.
And it is true, what you say about someone else really does say more about you than it does about them. If you make it a habit of spreading stories, lies, rumours, whatever it may be, soon, you will have a reputation. And no one will believe you when you bad mouth others, because they already know that you have a reputation of doing so.
The bottom line is this: If something does not concern you, then stay out of it.
If something does not benefit you in any way, then do not let it affect you.
If the lives of others and their misery brings you joy, then you need to re-evaluate your own life and get your priorities in order.
Because, what you say about others is really only a reflection of who you are.
And what you lack is evident when you try to push them down.
If the only way you shine is by stealing someone else’s light, then you really are not shining in your own light at all.
If you only rise by making others feel small, then you really are not growing at all.
So remember Susie, what you say about Sally says a lot more about you at the end of the day.
Because what you say about others, reflects who you are. Reflections of you.
Be careful.

Take Care

Miss Stone


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