
Showing posts from August, 2013

Moments in time...

Last week, although stressful, was a good one. I received amazing news and I did things in that week I had never had the courage to do. Last week was truly significant. I also learned quite a few lessons in those few days, one of those was to fight for what I want, fight for what makes me happy, fight for that that brings me joy. I was reunited with a friend last week, after months of not talking. She was a best friend and sister for the longest time, and then for some reason, things went sour. But last week, we both learned to swallow our pride. We spent time together and shared stories with one another. Stories we were always too afraid to share, stories that needed to be heard and needed to be understood. In that one week, we learned more about each other than all our years of friendship put together. In that one week, we shared secrets, we cried a little, we laughed a lot and we appreciated each other in ways we have never appreciated each other before. We have made a lot of...

Blessed and Highly Favoured!!

Today, I write my post with a thankful heart :) The Lord has been good to me and I want to say thank you to my Saviour. I woke up late this morning, I struggled to sleep because I was worried about the Psychology Masters interviews I had on Monday and Tuesday. Those two days were tough and emotionally draining. I finished my interviews on Tuesday and went home and got straight into bed. I had no energy to do anything else. The rest of the week was a blur to me. And so I woke up today, more than an hour late and stressed. I took a bath, ran a few errands and went to the University. I sat in my car and started preparing myself for the radio interview I had. A beautiful, young and vibrant young lady who does the lunch time show on the campus radio station, Kovsie FM, was interviewing me about my blog. Akilah gave me an opportunity to talk about my passion and I embraced the opportunity. #LunchWithAkilah was amazing and she made me feel so comfortable. I was proud to be sitting there t...

Letter from an Angel...

I received a letter from an Angel the other day. This letter made me realize that what I do is not in vain. This letter made me realize that I have love in abundance. This letter came from my 10 year old niece, Kay-Leigh. It read: ‘I love you, you are my inspiration and my idol. I look up to you. I love you my Toya. I won’t let Nick take you to Canada unless I go with! I love you, I love you, I love you. You are young, you are beautiful and smart, so one day I will be like you. You are like a mother to me. I love you with all my heart.’ This letter from my Angel brought me joy so indescribable, I can only live it. I am proud to call myself her Aunt and I will make sure I achieve even more so that she too can work towards her dreams and make them come true. I love you Kay-Leigh, thank you for being my inspiration today. Take Care Miss Stone

'Til the gates of heaven open up!

This week has not been an easy one. It has been extremely difficult and emotionally draining, but with all its obstacles, I realized that I have so many people who love me and who want the best for me. I woke up to a beautiful message the other morning. The message read: “Let me talk about this amazing woman for a second… She is the first of my partner’s female friends I got to know of in the beginning stages of our relationship through talks of her from my partner. I met her a few times and even though we did not get to interact that much, I still felt her presence, her elegance, her class, her warmth and her love. And I see myself in her (as weird as it may sound). She’s got the most amazing smile I have ever seen. Her life values and how she sticks to them is what makes her in my eyes an amazing woman. The way she always manages to put a smile on even when she’s going through the toughest of times. I love how she’s her own woman and doesn’t give into the pressures of this wor...

Medicine for a paining heart...

My sister always tells me funny stories about the things her children say. I have told her that we need to write some of these things down and remind them of this one day. So last night, she sends me a bbm and tells me about the latest episode with her son, Kyle (4). He went to the Doctor recently and received medicine, so as she was giving him his medicine last night, she decided that it was not necessary to give him his pain and fever syrup. Concerned, he picked up the bottle and asked ‘And this one Mommy?’ She told him that he need not take that one, to which he quickly responded ‘It’s paining here’ (pointing to his heart). My sister asked him ‘Where is it paining?’ and he replied ‘My heart, now give me the medicine please’. I could help but smile when she told me about this. Kids truly say the most precious things. So, this morning when I woke up and I still found myself thinking about it, I knew I had to write about it today. As I picked up Aunt Hilda and we drove to work, I to...

His guidance is always needed!

God has the power to show us who is God. That is what we always hear. It is sometimes said in the form of a threat, sometimes it is said when God has once again showed us one of His many miracles he performs. Either way, God has the power to show you who is God. We live our lives and we forget Him at times. We do things that we know He will not be pleased with, but we do it anyway. We live to please ourselves and our selfish needs, but we neglect to please Him. And yet, He is always there for us, especially in those times we find ourselves stuck between a rock and a hard place and we need a soft landing place. Sometimes things happen to us, things we never thought would happen to us. In these moments, we find ourselves begging God for a different outcome. We plead with Him to change our circumstances. We even bargain with Him. If He changes our circumstances, we will be more obedient, we will listen more, and we will do what makes Him happy. We have all been there at least once in...

Tata Envy! Go on your way!

Some people wonder why things never work out for them. They long for certain things. It may be a better job, a bigger home, a car, joy, love. It could be anything. They long for things but it never comes their way. And there may be many reasons why these things do not happen for them, it may not be the right time, they may not be ready for it yet, it could be anything. But today, I would like to mention one of the possible reasons. I am sure a lot of people will read this and do some introspection, as I did this morning. I have mentioned before that even in friendship, we have to kiss a few frogs before we get to the real deal. And this is true. We have to have the back stabbers in order to appreciate the true ones and see them when they finally arrive. Now, I have been through quite a few friendships, in some of them, I was the frog, and in others, they were the frogs. But I have realized something, in all the friendships I have had, there was always that one ‘friend’ who was the e...