Tata Envy! Go on your way!
Some people wonder why things never work out for them. They long for certain things. It may be a better job, a bigger home, a car, joy, love. It could be anything. They long for things but it never comes their way. And there may be many reasons why these things do not happen for them, it may not be the right time, they may not be ready for it yet, it could be anything.
But today, I would like to mention one of the possible reasons. I am sure a lot of people will read this and do some introspection, as I did this morning. I have mentioned before that even in friendship, we have to kiss a few frogs before we get to the real deal. And this is true. We have to have the back stabbers in order to appreciate the true ones and see them when they finally arrive. Now, I have been through quite a few friendships, in some of them, I was the frog, and in others, they were the frogs. But I have realized something, in all the friendships I have had, there was always that one ‘friend’ who was the envious one. She may not have always showed it. Sometimes she would even pretend to be happy for you, but she never really was. She was envious when you bought a new pair of shoes or a dress, she was upset when you went out without her, she was envious when you had a boyfriend and she was single. She lived, breathed and ate envy. That was part of her existence. And it became part of her nature too.
The sad thing is, that friend never realized why things were not happening for her. You see, the Universe works in its own way, and it makes sure you get what you put in. So if you put in nothing but envy, good things will not come your way. When you are not happy for your friends when good things come their way, why would any good ever come your way? I am not saying only bad things will happen to you. There will be good, but it will only be temporary because you do not know how to appreciate the goodness in life, whether it is that of others, or your own.
This is common among women. We covet possessions that belong to others. They have better clothes, shoes, cars, houses or boyfriends, and we start yearning for their possessions because ours does not look that good. We think they do not deserve all they have and that we do. But why do they not deserve all they have? Why do they not deserve it if they have worked hard to get it? And why should we have it if all we do is hate on them?
We have all been there at some point. We have all questioned what others have, thinking we do deserve it more than they do. This is a sad reality. Until we realize that everyone under the sun deserves certain things, we will never get what we deserve. Remember, what we put in determines what we will get out.
As Women’s month commences, I appeal to all the women to embrace who you are. Appreciate who you are, flaws and all. No one is perfect, this I know, but step by step, we can rid ourselves of that green eyed monster called envy. There is no need to want what others have. We are not all the same, so we cannot have the same things and appreciate them in the same way. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers fought for us, so that we too can have the freedom of choice. So choose wisely. Choose that which is applicable to you. Choose that which benefits you. Choose that which makes you better for having made that choice.
Envy is a disease we need to rid ourselves of. So say goodbye to it.
Start today.
Tata Envy! Go on your way!
Take Care
Miss Stone
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