Be inspired by YOU!

I used to wonder what it would be like. You know, living out my dream.
It took me a while to get here. I had to jump over a few hurdles along the way. But I think now, it's finally sunk in. I obtained that Masters degree in Clinical Psychology and now my possibilities seem endless.

I love what I do. I love waking up in the morning and giving thanks to the Lord, for blessing me, yes, but mostly for my happiness. For the sun that is shining on me again. For the opportunity I have been given to shine my light onto others.

Marianne Williamson was right when she said 'It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.' For the longest time my light scared the living daylights out of me. Not anymore though. Not since I have learned just how bright it can shine. Now, there is no way I am dimming it for anyone or anything.

God equips us with gifts. Talents. Strengths. Call it what you may. But he gives us these things, not to sit in a corner and wonder about how to use it, but to go out there and put it to the test. I finally realize how to use my gift to the best of my ability. I feel like a child again. Probably like my nephew felt today on his first day of school. Nervous, but ready to take on this new journey.

In essence, today's inspiration is this:
Love yourself. Love yourself enough to walk away from bullshit.
Time wasters.
Irrelevant things.
Anything that prevents your light from shining. Walk away from it.
And if you are your own worst enemy, then you pull yourself together and say: 'Self, it's your time! Self, you better shine! Self, you will make it in time!'

For if you do not allow your own light to shine, you will sit in darkness and be consumed by it. And you will have no one to blame but yourself.

Today, I drew inspiration from myself. Because I know it's not easy, but worth every single sacrifice made.

And so today, be inspired by YOU!

Take Care.

Miss Stone ❤️


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