May You Find Healing
We often feel entitled. We think when we are wronged, somehow, we are owed something. An apology. Retribution. Pity. Favour by the Universe. Anything. However, if we were to be honest, we really are not owed anything by others or the Universe for that matter. What we do owe to ourselves is healing.
Life happens. And by no means is this said to diminish anyone’s pain or heartache. But the sad reality is this: People will hurt us at some point. And most often, it will be people we least expected it from. This pain will cut deep. And you will weep from a place you never knew existed inside you. This pain will keep you awake at night and torture you in your sleep. But this pain will deserve to be felt.
What I have learned in my lifetime is that we are all capable of inflicting such pain on others. Sometimes we apologize and make amends. Other times we burn our bridges and move on. And in some cases, we feel that we do not owe anyone any explanation for our words or actions. So when others hurt us, why do we feel they owe us anything? Why do we often wish that they too experience pain?
In the last few months, I have experienced pain. From friends and family. Some of this will stay with me for as long as I live. Some of it has changed me forever. Some of it has taken away from me. And some of it, has helped build me. Through this, I have come to know that only I can help heal myself; that decision ultimately lies solely with me. You maybe think differently, and that is okay, but I know this to be true for me. I cannot place anyone else responsible for the healing that must take place within me. I can seek guidance from others, or even support, but I cannot expect anyone else to start this process for me. It starts with and within me.
The definition of healing is defined as ‘the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again.’ What is implied and not stated is that that process is innate. Therapy or others around you can help you. Enlighten you. But that process has to come from within.
I guess this post was simply to let you know that however dark it may seem in your world at this moment, you are still here to witness it. And after the darkness, light always flows. Regardless of the time that is spent waiting on that light; light surely flows.
I pray that whatever situation you find yourself in today; that you may soon see the light shine through. But I pray that light emanates from within.
May you close doors that no longer serve you or your happiness.
May you find peace when others have wronged you.
But most of all, may you find healing.
Take Care
Miss Stone
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