Strength for one more day...

This year started off with the death of a family member. Since that incident, I lost three more family members to death. Death be not proud. My family has suffered so much this year, yet we soldier on.

I have not written in such a long time. This Psychology Masters programme has really taken up most of my time; it has certainly taken up all of my energy. On Wednesday, after a grueling few weeks of portfolios and exams, I received my first semester results and I passed!!

But today’s post is not about death or even my studies; today I want to speak about Pain. Hurt. But it is also about moving on from the pain.

Yes, we have all been hurt before. We have all been betrayed before. We have all felt a pain so unbearable; we thought we could never face another day.  We have all hurt someone before too. We have all betrayed someone in one way or another and we have all been responsible for someone else’s deep, unbearable pain.

We live and we learn though. In the past few weeks, I have probably had the toughest time, personally, yet I have made it. I went to bed one night, not knowing how I would rise the next morning to face the day. Swollen face, all cried out, I laid my heavy head down on the pillow and asked the Lord to give me strength, just enough to face one more day, the rest would see to itself.

The next morning, I rose from my slumber. My head felt lighter. My heart was still aching, but I rose. The Lord had given me the strength to open my eyes, to get out of bed, to take a bath and get dressed, to drive to campus. To face the world again. You see; even a broken heart still beats. And as long as my heart was beating, I was capable of facing life again. Because even though I felt like things were crumbling down around me, I knew I would be able to rebuild it all.

Life happens. It will always happen. But you have to remember something; what is this life worth if we do not learn from time to time? We cannot expect to go through life, thinking it will all be perfect and no one will hurt us. Because we will get hurt, and when it happens, life will continue, so we have to soldier on.

I learned that in the past few weeks, nothing is ever as it seems. I learned that when you least expect it, the rug will be pulled out from underneath you and you will stumble to your feet. I also learned that when you stumble, it is okay to cry and to feel the pain. But not for too long. You have to get up again and you have to have the courage to fight. I know I have spoken about this many times, but we all need a reminder every now and then. And this is my reminder, not only to myself, but also to you all.

A broken heart still beats. A paining heart will stop paining. As long as you continue waking up and staring life in the face. As long as you continue living, everything will be alright. Eventually.

Just ask for strength for one more day. The rest will see to itself.


Take Care


Miss Stone


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