The Misfits...

Today I am inspired by the non-conformists. The misfits. The ones who are different.

Growing up, I was always told that I am different. Different did not seem like it could mean anything good, so I always assumed it was something bad. Something not 'normal'. So, was it abnormal then? I certainly thought so. Everything and everyone around me made it seem like it was. Hearing things like 'Jy wil altyd anders wees' (You always want to be different) or having other girls laugh at me because of the way I dressed became a norm. It did not make me think less about it though.

One day I was walking to the store and a group of girls starting pointing in my direction. Before I could even ask them what the problem was, they burst out laughing and asked me what I was wearing. I could not even answer them, I just made sure I walked straight home. Now the pants I had on were those that weren't long and they weren't short either. They were called ''pedal pushers'' or ''knickerbockers'' like my Mom used to say. The name was beyond me :) I did not see anything wrong with it though, I loved those pants. My Mom had just bought them for me the week before. Now the following week, to my surprise, the same girls who laughed at me, walked past my house, wearing similar pants. They had on 'pedal pushers'' too. This amazed me. So, could different really be that bad then?

As I matured and became more aware of who I was and what I liked, I started cutting my hair when other girls were excited about long hair. I always seemed to do the opposite of what I was expected to do. I went for my first tatto at the age of 15 (with my parents consent). And every time I came home with a new tattoo after that one, my Dad would just look at me without uttering anything bad. I think deep down he knew his baby was just finding herself. It felt good. Finding myself. Realizing that being different was not bad. Realizing that not conforming was freedom in itself. Realizing that being ''different'' meant being the only person I knew how to be. Me.

Now, I am almost a month away from my 27th birthday and I am no longer afraid of growing older. This is because with each passing year, I become more comfortable in my skin. I love myself more. For the person I am and the person I am becoming. For the person I never was. Grateful that conforming was never something that attracted me. Grateful for knowing that not conforming was something I could do.

Today's inspiration comes from those who dare to be different. Those who dare to stand out. Those who are not afraid to say ''This is who I am, I am Me''. Those who know that being who they are is who they are supposed to be. Even when people give them weird looks or whisper as they walk by, they are not phased. They are comfortable being who they are. They are happy being who they are. They know something that those who stare and whisper do not know. They know themselves. And that is all that matters. So who cares what others say? Who cares about their laughs? They just do not know what we know :)

''Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.''
- Steve Jobs


  1. La-Toya,

    I had to comment on this blog post. I couldn't agree more. I always felt different: in shape, in style and so on.

    I always wore the same as friends of mine. But don't know why, it always looked so different on me. I'm not in the norm...

    I had and still have a lot of complex. But as I grew older, I feel so comfortable with myself (maybe love helps!).

    I realized that this difference and assuming it made people think that I was stylish and confident. It's good to know that it's my complexes and my differences that made me stand out.

    So, yes, girls, assume yourself ! Find something that fit you, and stick to it.
    Don't follow trend to be fashionable! If something trendy, make you look good : Go for it. But if you look like sh*t, don't buy to fit into the mould.

    PS: great job La-Toya. You're such an inspiration to women :)

    1. Thank you so much :) I agree with you, love does help. Self-love. It matters not what others think and say about you, it matters what you think and how you feel about yourself.
      I am at a loss for words, an inspiration to women? Thank you so much. I just try to share and inspire where I can.


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