Do not become tainted...

So, I usually see all kinds of silliness on social networks. I read updates from people all the time. Some are inspirational, some are funny, while others are thought provoking. Then you get those love sick teens who always tell us how in love they are with their boyfriends or girlfriends. And that's all you see, for like the next two weeks...until they break up. Then you have to read about how relationships suck. Well, for the next two weeks anyway, until they've found a new boyfriend or girlfriend. The cycle seems never ending.

It's weird how things have changed. I'm not trying to play the 'when I was your age' card, because I'm really not THAT old, but it was so different back then. Maybe it was because we did not have Facebook or Twitter, so no one knew how we fell in and out of love. Nonetheless, these updates have been bothering me. You cannot possibly be in love with someone today and two weeks later be in love with someone else. It is possible to have feelings for them. But love? No. Not love.

I think we need to go back to the basics and teach our young ones not to grow up too fast. Not to yearn for adulthood too soon. You cannot fall in and out of love so easily. And you will not die when someone breaks up with you (this really does apply to everyone). You will not stop breathing and drop dead when someone tells you they no longer want you. Stop thinking your happiness is defined by the presence or absence of a girl or a boy (or a man or woman). You were happy before them, you can be happy after they leave too.

I don't want to preach, but this is how I see it. Young people want to grow up too fast. They can't wait to start dating. They say and do things too soon. They act older than what they are. And in doing so, lose their innocence. Lose their youth. Waste it.

Today, I want to tell these young people to enjoy their youth. Now I know that not everyone does this. But I'm talking about those who I've witnessed doing this. I'm talking to those who are rushing ahead. Do not rush things. Yes, date if you want to. But have fun too!! Rushing your youth will only lead to regret later in life. I have seen this happen and it is tragic.

Do not spoil your youth. Do not become tainted.

Take Care.

Miss Stone


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