Miracles do happen!!

We receive so much bad news on a daily basis, that we forget how it feels to hear something good. We forget that feeling of joy and gratitude when God shows off and performs a little miracle. And He does show off quite a bit.
A while back, a very close friend of mine’s Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Not many people knew about it because he did not want anyone feeling sorry for him. Just like my Dad, he is a strong man. He also has this deep voice that can be heard even when you’re not trying to listen. You really cannot miss it. His presence cannot be denied or ignored. He is such a strong man, but he is also a good man, with a pure heart. So this news did not sit well with him. It was not an easy time for his wife or children, but I admired their strength. I admired his more.
Today, my friend told me that her Dad is now in remission. This is a very good prognostic sign, especially after he was told that he would never be in remission. Immediately, being the cry baby that I am, my eyes started watering. It was the best news I had heard in a very long time. 
The Lord has been good to their family. He heard their prayers and he answered them. In His time.
So many times we lose hope. We give up. We pray and we feel like we do not receive answers. My friend and her family could have given up when they were told that her Dad would never go into remission. They could have blamed God (Sadly, like we so often do when things do not go our way) because they may have felt like he was abandoning them. They could have been negative. But they were not. They did not stop praying. They did not stop believing. They did not stop hoping. And their prayers were answered.
Today, I was inspired by this strong man. A man who sometimes seems larger than life. A man with a heart of gold. A gentle giant if you may. He has inspired me because even when things seemed impossible, he did not give up. He did not lose hope. He kept the faith.
You see, sometimes God shows off and performs miracles. I am fortunate enough to have witnessed one.
Look around today and see the many miracles that are being performed. He shows off every day. And you will be fortunate to witness it, if you just open your eyes.
Miracles do happen.

Take Care

Miss Stone


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