...Tot in Durban...

I was not planning on writing this specific story today, I had already written today's blog post when this came up.

I was sitting at my desk and instead of working, I logged onto Facebook from my phone. I sent an old friend of mine a message, he is going through a lot in his life right now. I told him that I know I am supposed to be strong for him and I am trying, but at times, I feel weak too. I felt particularly guilty about this because I saw him yesterday and he was so bubbly and full of life. He was the strong one. I also told him that although he always makes me so angry (which happens a lot), I love him and he is my 'Boeta'. The reply I received back from him brought tears to my eyes. I hope he does not get mad at me for doing this (because his macho man image will be destroyed), but this is the message he sent me:

''I am sorry for making you angry over the years, no intention from my side...
I guess it is what I got used to, but one thing that has never changed is that you will forever be just this:
My La-Toya Stone, my sister, my motivator and also the only woman in my life that I can make as angry as you get at times...
Love you so much from North to South... West to East, tot in Durban''

Now I admit, I was a bit bummed that he said 'tot in Durban' and not 'to infinity and beyond', but hey, it was his way of showing affection, and I know it was not easy for him. This made me happy. It made me feel like although things are not okay right now, it will be okay. That message made me realize how strong this man truly is. In the face of great difficulty, he is still able to say kind words to others and mean it. In the face of great difficulty, he is still able to confort others, when he is the one who needs comforting. In the face of great difficulty, he is still able to admit to his mistakes and apologize for them. 

He is not perfect. He has made many mistakes in his life. But so have the rest of us. No one is perfect. We can learn from him though. We can learn that during tough times, we should not be afraid to let people know we need them. We should not be afraid to ask for prayer. We should not forget that we need others. We should not neglect to tell people how we feel. We should not be too proud to apologize.

Today, I am inspired by a life long friend. Someone who has angered me many times. Someone who has made me laugh many times. Someone who I share precious memories with. Someone who lights up a room when he walks in. Someone who is a star in his own right. I am inspired because he is now a real man. A man who takes responsibility, but also a man who knows he needs others to get through his trying times. I want to let him know that I support him. I want to let him know that Heidedal supports him. I want to let him know that with prayer and God on his side, he can move mountains.

Virgil 'Vigito' Van Der Ross (do not forget that I gave you the name of Vigito, lol), I love you, 'tot in Durban'.
And yes, you were scared that I would start something, well, I just did. You can be mad at me now :)

Take care of each other. We need one another.

Miss Stone


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