Self Love!

I am often asked 'Don't you ever get lonely?' or 'Don't you feel alone at times?'
The answer is always no. I get bored at times, but lonely? No.

I have learned that you need to be comfortable with yourself. You need to enjoy your own company. In those quiet times, when reflection takes place, you need to embrace that conversation with yourself. You need to be happy with your thoughts.

Many nights I sit at home, with no company, other than my own. I do not feel despondent though. I do not feel afraid. I put self-love into practice. It is important for me to love myself, so that others can do the same. We are often told we should treat people with respect, but do we respect ourselves? We can only respect others if we know how to respect ourselves. It sounds simple. Some might say it is common knowledge, but many fail to do it.

Today I would like to encourage you to be good to yourself. Love yourself. Be kind to yourself. Enjoy your company. Enjoy those quiet moments. Those moments where only you matter. Those moments where only you are heard. They are the moments that matter the most.

Loving yourself is not selfish. Loving yourself is essential.

Take Care

Miss Stone


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