High on life!

My patience has been tested a lot lately. I have been dealing with trivial and serious matters, all of which has tested my patience (or lack thereof) considerably. But there is one thing I could not let go of that easily. There is one thing that kept creeping out from under the rug, no matter how hard I tried to sweep it underneath there.  
A few months ago, it was brought to my attention that I am now a drug addict. It was said that I sniff cocaine. It was even said that I was seen doing it. Initially, it made me laugh. I know it is not true, so I paid no attention to it. I did not want to focus on it or make it an issue because I knew there was no truth to it. So, I left it. I swept it under the rug.
Then, more and more people asked me about this story. More and more people told them that they heard this story. So, I did a bit of investigating and found who was said to be the source of this story. I asked questions; made sure I had the right person, but never doubted that I did, because every person who came to me with this story told me who they had heard it from. Now, all these people cannot possibly be sucking the same story from their thumbs. This, all led me to today’s post.
I have always been an early bloomer. I had boobs when other girls my age had flat chests. I went to clubs with my older sister because I was pushing my luck, knowing my parents trusted me with my sister. So I loved experimenting. I loved pushing my luck. I loved doing things that my friends only wished they could. One thing that never enticed me though was drugs. And it still does not. For many years I have seen what drugs did to my cousins. I saw what it did to their Mothers and the rest of their families. It tore families apart. It caused so much hurt and anguish. So, the one thing I promised myself was that I would never do that to my parents. I would never make them suffer like that because of my stupidity. So, when I hear that people in my neighbourhood are talking about my supposed drug use, it makes me so furious. Not because it is the truth, but because I respect myself too much to ever do that, so for people to be spreading a message like this, it tells others that I have no respect for myself or my body. It tells people that I have no respect for my parents or loved ones. I do not know why some people end up using drugs, I guess we all make our choices and have to live with them. But I do know that I have made my choice and I proudly live by it.
If you are reading this today, and someone has ever said anything bad about you, something worse than the occasional gossip story, something that affects your character, I would like to tell you to stand tall and remain true to yourself. You clearly have something they desire. Your presence on this Earth is something so great, that they cannot resist talking about you. You have something that they want, but because they cannot get it, they will try to crush you, ruin you, and destroy you. But they will not win. They will try in vain.
Today, I will go home, drive through my neighbourhood, and smile at the people looking back at me. I will not bow my head in shame, for there is nothing to be ashamed of. I will continue being a strong woman, a woman who had failed but stood up many times and tried again. I will continue being a woman who strives to reach her goals and then sets even more once those goals have been reached. I will continue being a woman of God, protected by His love. I will continue being a woman who fears but a woman who conquers those fears. I will continue being a resilient woman. A tough woman. A strong woman. A woman who goes against the stereotypes. A woman who rises above it all.
Who am I, you might ask?
Hi, I am La-Toya Christian Stone and I am high on life J

Take Care

Miss Stone


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