My first love...

I fell inlove with Hip Hop when I was still very young. At first, my friend, Shadi and I were drawn to the cute guys and their baggy clothes. We were mesmerized by them. But after a while, we started appreciating the music. The words. The depth of what they were saying. When our peers were enjoying pop music, we enjoyed it too, but we knew what our first love was. And we fell in love. We fell in love with Hip Hop.

My parents could not understand this. All they heard was cursing, but they never listened. They didn't hear or understand the message. And so, Hip Hop became that place I went to when I wanted to escape, get away from the world. It became part of who I was, a large part of who I was. I found solace in it. I drew inspiration from it. I was smitten!!

So today, I found my inspiration in Hip Hop once again. These past few days have been quite chaotic (that's why I haven't had a chance to write as much), but this morning, I took the time out to listen to my first love and yes, again I found myself listening to and reading the words of Tu Pac Shakur.

"I know it seems hard sometimes but remember one thing: through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up... and handle it." 

We retreat into dark corners all too often. Life knocks us down, and then we try to figure out if it's worth getting up. Just remember, it is always worth getting up. Some just take longer than others. But get up anyway!! Don't stay in that corner. 

What brings you out of your darkness? What helps you find your light? What gives you the strength to keep going? Whatever it is, go to it whenever necessary and continue on your journey.

Today, I was inspired by my love for words again. I was inspired by Hip Hop. And I wish to continue on this journey with you, sharing what I can so that I too may inspire others. 

"If God wanted me to be quiet, He would've never showed me what He does." ~ Tupac Shakur

Take Care

Miss Stone 


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