Be caught up no more...

I heard once that you attract not what you want but what you are. When I heard those words, I thought about it for a while. And the more I thought about it, I started applying it to events in my life. You attract not what you want, but what you are.
I dated someone once who was an amazing person when he was sober, but as soon as he had a few drinks, he was the total opposite. And when he was intoxicated, he brought out the worst in me. Now, when I think of it, it really isn’t fair giving him all the blame. I was at a point in my life where I attracted exactly who I was. A bit out of control. A bit rebellious. My confidence was at an all-time low. And so, I had received exactly who I was, only, I did not see it then.
But as time went on, and this vicious cycle was getting harder and harder to bear, I realized that I should either get out while I had the chance, or I could stay and mess up my life for good. The latter was definitely not an option. And so I left and never looked back, not even once. It was probably one of the best decisions that I have ever made.
Now, this is just one example, there are many more I could share with you, but then this would be an extremely long post. The fact is, when we find ourselves with a certain group of friends, a partner, a certain job, anything that we are not exactly happy with, we need to ask ourselves if this is not merely a reflection of who we are. Like charges do not always repel each other. More often than not, we attract what we are.
Many times in our lives, we make mistakes such as these. And no matter how many times people point this out to us, we cannot see it, because we do not see ourselves the way they see us, from the outside looking in. We are too caught up. We cannot let go.
It is not easy to make the decision to walk away from abusive friends. It is not easy to walk away from abusive partners. It is not easy to walk away from abusive situations. And today, I am not here to tell you to do that. Today, I am here to tell you to embrace yourself. Walk towards the person you know you can be. Walk towards the person who loves themselves and looks after their needs, and not a person who sacrifices their own happiness for the sake of not feeling alone. Walk towards the person who relishes in true joy, and not the one who has fabricated joy.
Today, I am in no position to tell you to walk away from that unpleasant situation that you are faced with, because you might not be ready to, you will do it in your time. But I am here to tell you to slowly start walking towards that true joy you know you deserve. Walk towards the person that exudes confidence. Walk towards that person that attracts positivity. Walk towards the person you long to be, the one you know you can be.

Walk towards the future. Be caught up no more.

Take Care

Miss Stone


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