You still Hold'er
Today is another appreciation day. I want to take the time out and appreciate someone who has been in my life for almost 4 years now. This man has held on when the road was so bumpy, I even fell down. He has been scarred and hurt because at times the terrain was so harsh, no one would survive it, but he did. Today, I want to take the time out and appreciate someone God sent. I remember the day I met him. I was at a popular hangout spot. That night, my friend and I searched and searched for a party. We wanted to have fun and we made sure we would find a place where we could have it. After about 3 stops, we finally found a spot that seemed to be alive. So, we went in and danced the night away. A few hours later, with sore feet and tired eyes, we decided to call it a night and headed for the door. As we walked out, I saw a man surrounded by people. They were all asking him questions about music and the music industry. I figured it was the Canadian DJ who was in town. So, I contin...