My Mission...

Last night,three guys told me they love my blog. Now,these were gentlemen in their own right. They were each so different and found themselves at different places in their lives, but they could all relate to what I wrote in my posts. One of them even told me that I give him a different perspective to certain situations. He said that we always tend to look at the negatives in life, but when he reads my blog, he always sees things from a different perspective.

This made me think. I am by no means perfect. I go through a lot of things too. And sometimes I write about it. I just never thought that my words would mean so much to others. I never thought that my every day experiences would bring a sense of comfort to the lives of others. I started this blog after my friend mentioned that I should. At first, I did not take it serious, but as I thought about it, it made more and more sense to me. If I could do what I love (write, tell stories) and help people while doing it, I'd be selfish not to accept the challenge. God has given me this ability to use words in such a way that I am able to assist others with the stories that I write, so I would be failing Him and myself if I did not do just that.

Today, there is no particular event that occurred. Today, I would like to thank those three gentlemen who complimented me on my talent. They may not know it, but their words gave me inspiration. Their words inspired me not to give up. Not to give in. Not to lose hope. Not to feel discouraged. Their words whispered to me silent praises that told me to continue on this mission, however small it might seem to me at times. And that is how it is in life. We are all given our individual missions. And as we go on these missions, we are given tasks. Some of these tasks may have no impact on the lives of others, while some influence the lives of others in a way you never thought was possible. Remember that when you're on your life's mission. Remember that some tasks impact others, and it is up to you to decide whether that impact will be a positive or negative one.

Tonight I will shut my eyes and tomorrow, I will continue on this journey and finish the tasks at hand. I will welcome new ones with open arms and I will continue on my mission. To grow. To learn. To inspire. Always.

Take Care

Miss Stone


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