The Conversation...

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine this morning. We spoke of the daily battles women face. I would like to share a part of this conversation with you:

Phelo: We are warriors
Me: We are. But we get bruised in battles too
Phelo: And we toughen up
Me: Still doesn’t make the bruises hurt any less. It might prepare us for the ones that are to come, but they still hurt
Phelo: Too much. God must be a woman
Me: And thus, She knows our pain all too well
Phelo: And moulds us to be the best through hardships
Me: Strong exteriors, but sensitive too. Just the right balance to endure and learn, to experience and move on
Phelo: I like that
Me: This chat is the material for my next blog
Phelo: Whatever that is
Me: You inspire me. Always.
Phelo: I guess life inspires you
Me: There is inspiration all around us
Phelo: Good or bad times
Me: I love you. Through the good and bad.
Phelo:  I love you too Toy.

Now this chat went on, but just like that, my friend got me thinking. There really is inspiration all around us, even in the bad times.  A simple conversation with her, turned out to be one that both inspired and uplifted me. We truly do not know what will happen tomorrow, it is a dream as Nomphelo says, but if we do live to see it, that dream becomes a reality, one in which we are given the opportunity to be who we want to be. A reality where things happen around us, where things happen to us, but where we can determine how we will react to it.
Thank you Nomphelo for opening my eyes to so many things today. Thank you for inspiring me. Always.
Day by day, we are moulded so that we can be the best through hardships. Strong exteriors, but sensitive too. Just the right balance to endure and learn, to experience and move on.

Take Care

Miss Stone


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