It is an honour to be called Woman.

Young women have lost sight of things. They are blinded by many evils. They need to remove the blinders from their eyes and realize what an honour it is to be called Women.
It is an honour to be called Woman.

We need to go back to the basics and instead of breaking each other down, we should build each other up.
Instead of sowing hatred, we should sow seeds of love.
Instead of jealousy, we should be proud when our peers do well.
We have forgotten what it means to be called Women. It is an honour to be called Woman.

Today, I did not want to write a page full of meaningless words. All I want to do is tell women to remember the essence of womanhood. Let us remember what our mothers and grandmothers taught us. Let us act like ladies. Let us be ladies. Let us be phenomenal women and walk with our heads held high.

We are gold. It's time we realize our worth.

It is an honour to be called Woman.


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