A tattoo is permanent.
You sit there at the tattoo parlour and as soon as that machine starts buzzing and goes to work on you, you know this is something permanent that is being inked into your skin. It is something that will be seen by you and others for many years to come. You start thinking about old age and what your body will look like then. You start thinking about what exactly you are doing and if you will regret it someday. You think about whether the pain is all worth it.
Then, when the buzzing stops and the final product is revealed, you are satisfied. You are happy. You are excited about this new piece of art. This piece of art that tells a story. That is what a tattoo should do. It should tell a story. I do not think there is any sense in getting something permanent inked on your body if it does not tell a story.
Tattoos tell you different things. Some remind you of battles that you have fought and overcome. Other tattoos remind you of how strong you are. Some tattoos simply remind you of all that you have to be thankful for. I could go on and on about the meanings that people attach to their skin art. These meanings that tell stories that will amaze you. Stories of the heart.
Some people are like tattoos. They are inked into our skins, into our hearts, and they remain there. They remind us of the innate goodness that lies within man. They remind us of struggles that have been fought and a promising future that lies ahead. As humans, we are quick to give people ‘the boot’ when they no longer seem beneficial to us. We are quick to discard people when they have wronged us. And even then, some of those people remain in our hearts, although they have left our lives.
Before we let go of people, we should ask ourselves if we are making the right decision. If the answer is yes, then let them go and never look back. It is probably the right decision anyway. If the answer is no, then fight for them. Fight for them to stay in your life. Those people who are worth fighting for, the ones who occupy a place in your heart, are most likely the tattoos. The permanent ones. The ones who are tattooed into your heart. The ones who tell you stories that would amaze you. The ones who feature in many chapters in your life story. The ones worth fighting for are the ones who are willing to stay even after you have wronged them. They are your tattoos. They are the finished products that make the thought of old age more comforting. They are the finished products that make regret seem insignificant. They are the finished products that make the pain worthwhile.
Their names are tattooed into your heart. And that is where they will remain. They give meaning. They are your tattoos. Permanent.
Take care
Miss Stone
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