
It is defined as a ‘high or inordinate opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct etc.’ 

It is good to be proud. We all have reason to be proud. We perform exceptionally well in school, or we receive a promotion at work, and this is reason to be proud. We work hard, we put our all into tasks and we feel good when we receive recognition. So, we are allowed to be proud. Our conduct has given us enough reason to be proud.  However, be proud and move on. Do not hold onto that pride. We need to humble ourselves again in order to grow and learn. 

Sometimes, when it comes to love and friendship and basic relations with others, we allow our pride to take over. Pride can sometimes cause us to lose precious things. Precious people too. Sometimes pride is all we have left when we have lost those who are important to us. And even then, what good does it do us?

Like everything else, too much of a good thing is not necessarily good. Sometimes pride just gets in the way. We argue with loved ones, then we convince ourselves that we are right and regardless of their point of view, the high opinions we hold of ourselves carry more weight. And so, we become fixated with proving others wrong and showing them how powerful we are because we are right. We show them how superior we are, in our minds, and sometimes yes, maybe even in conduct. And while we do this, while we are busy showing this off, we push people away. We allow our pride to get the better of us. 

Yes, we can have high opinions of our dignity, whether it is in the mind or displayed in conduct. That is absolutely allowed. But remember, we cannot hold onto this at the expense of other important things in our lives. We need to humble ourselves too. A good dose of humility never killed anyone.  

Do not hold onto the pride. We need to humble ourselves again in order to grow and learn.

We can let go of the pride if it means holding onto those things and people that are precious to us. No one will hold that against you. 

Take Care

Miss Stone


  1. *i have been really had a battle wit this ordeal in my life. it is even worse when people have so much pride just to say thank u, if u tried to be nice. But i decided to let this person be, hi & bye will be enough. It is a ugly thing when u are in a person company & they make u feel like a worm. Thank u for this post today - it made me realise that people can push u away completely by trying to show how superior they are, but it is funny how life works & that u never know just who u will be needing next.


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