The ordinary can become the extraordinary...
We go through life preparing for the big days. The big occasions. The days that we think will be great ones. We plan for the day we leave high school, the day we start University, the day we graduate. We plan for our first car, our wedding day or the day we will have our first child. Then we plan for retirement and how we will live then. We plan for these events in our lives; we plan these events like they will be the most important events in our lives. But in all this planning, we forget about the days that start off as ordinary ones, but turn into life altering days. We always forget about those.
What about the days we meet our soul mate? Those days are not planned, but they turn out to be one of the best days of our lives. They alter the course of our lives dramatically and because of that one encounter, the plans we have made for our wedding day and our first child seem real. They seem realistic. They become more than just dreams.
Or what about the days that starts off normal? The days that seem just like any other day, the days that we do not plan for, but somehow ends up being one of the days we lose a piece of ourselves? Those days where loss and heartbreak coincide. Those days when instead of saying hello, we have to say good-bye, what about those days? They start off as ordinary days too, but they do not end off that way. Instead, they end up taking a piece of us. A piece we will never get back.
So, there are many events that we plan for. Events that will change the course of our lives. Events that we see as monumental ones. But there are also those events that take place in our lives that we do not plan for, but they too are monumental.
In essence, no day is really ordinary or normal. Each day should be considered an event. And we are the stars on this stage of life. For in a blink of an eye, what seems ordinary can alter and turn into something extraordinary. In a breathe, we can be left breathless. Do not focus so much on the plans of tomorrow, rather live for the moments that is today.
It may just be an extraordinary day.
Take Care
Miss Stone
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